what is relationship?

what is relationship?
why do people (want to) have relationship? 
what is its urgency?
what do they do? is there any obligation? right? agreement? 
when is to say that you are in a relationship? err, i mean when do people officially dating? or not dating?

those silly questions are about floating inside my head in the past few days. in sudden. i think. --casually, i just do, further thinking is not required in such matters--.
i mean, i've been in some relationship(s) in the past few years, --whether they were for real or not--, and rarely thought of the meaning of real-lationship. started from the current one, i started to think.
in the middle of what are we?

why am i having this? why did i want it? why did he want it? what do we want? 

i do enjoy my relationship to someone, but i am not one kind of over depending. i also okay being alone. i got friends. but if i aware i have one, but being forced not to have it while  none clear reason; i got upset. surely. would you?

i read in some articles, about some struggle of relationships.also from people around me. i saw those who sought for the meaning; those who fought to defend it; those who lost; those who stay; those who walked away; those who continuing; those who felt enough and found another; those who bla bla bla. too many i can't name one by one.

do 'love', 'dating' and 'relationship' equal? or different things?
i mean, if you can have your lover in a relationship, why would you not wanting it? can you stay as friend while you both love each other? no need dating?

um, you say "I do love you." to your partner, but, you did not want people think you two are a couple. further more, do you not ever think of how hurt it is to not acknowledged as the lover?
i got pretty confuse of this thought.

why people are 'afraid' of being in a relationship with the one they love and love them back; while nothing is against them? why choose to be friend instead of lover? what makes them don't want that label?
what is so wrong that you don't want it?

this writing is not an answer. it's only questions i have. do i need answer?
i am afraid i'm gonna get hurt hearing it. but, in the same time, i am dying to know the reason behind the 'whys'.

i am that complicated. pardon me for having this disorder.


  1. love is handing someone a gun and letting it point to your head, believing that she won't pull the trigger #Spongebobsquarepant


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