a reply letter to mbak dina. in the name of assignment (and a bit of curcol)

the path has been taken, the road has been passing, the journey not yet ending. 
Halo. good morning Miss Java-on-a-far-away-land.
i don't know when will you read this mail, but i start writing it on 10.27pm. i said good morning, because morning, for me, is a good time. morning means one day passed, and another one to spend as well as possible. 

so here i am reading your letter; shaking and nodding my head. for honest, i don't know what to say. your childhood seems terrible; you grew up as a clever-bad girl; you craved for love; running away and tried to seek another place to be your sanctuary. but you ain't got it, because that place had been your sister's second empire. 

you ran away and led by satanic voices; jumped down to the world of word; you started to write and saw light from your dark side. 

Dear Miss Dina, i did not have a perfect childhood.  i was raised by my grandparents.  i learnt things and values, but mostly, i am shaped by what i read. i shape my self too by my writing. 

me myself do write. i don't know whether i led by satan or not --i hope not-- i do like you did, though i did not experience what you have. it is true i don't have to or the other kids have to too to write well. 
and i do agree, to write is to feel. this far, i've been writing poems, and some notes. all of them are the  expression of what i was feeling, i have never been able to write what i don't feel. i think it is dishonest; faking. but then i realized, people have always been faking some parts of their life. me too, in some aspects. but still i can not apply it for them. 

Miss Dina, if people ask me what is my hobby, i'll say: "writing."
why? for me, writing is the best cage for memories. i (want to be) am a good jailer. trapping them all into words; sentences and paragraphs. --because i am no good at photography haha--. i am learning to write too, to transform what my brain thinks; heart feels; body responds into words. whether to let people know or simply to be honest to my self. 

Miss Dina, maybe you got confused reading this email, don't worry, you don't always have to understand this one since you have another 40 letters to read. i am glad you give time for these emails.  

hum, i write. i don't know whether it'll become my choice. i don't wanna turn what i love become a burden --taking risks is not my way of life--. i still want to write; to feel and not over-push it. 
let it flow.. let it flow people say. 

just like you said, "you're on your own."

thank you Miss Dina for sharing and caring enough to tell us to go home while we can, that is so nice. :))
have a sad story and find beauty from that.

Jogjakarta, Indonesia. March, 19th 2013.

Winny Witra Maharani

ps: her letter can be seen here.  


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